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46.7 million Americans live below the poverty line. 60 million more live one crisis away.

The Salvation Army is here to Help, and to offer Hope.

Poverty doesn't have to be permanent.

The Salvation Army helps those in need to overcome poverty through a variety of programs.


Social Service Assistance
Many families and individuals facing poverty often must make the painful choice between heating and eating - that is, they must decide whether they'll pay their bills or pay for food. Without sufficient funds, many are forced to go without a warm, nutritious meal in order to keep a roof over their head. This program assists individuals and families with food assistance, hot meals, clothing and furniture vouchers (when applicable).

Our office hours are as follows:

  • Monday to Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Our food pantry hours are:

  • Tuesdays 10am to 12pm, Wednesdays 2pm to 4pm, Fridays 2pm to 4pm


We no longer offer daily hot meals, instead we are providing meals to families through Neighborhood House.


Emergency Assistance

Our ability to assist with Emergency situations (such as rent fees, deposits, emergency housing needs, transportation vouchers etc.) are addressed on a case-by-case basis, as funding allows. To find out more, please come to our office during our open hours.


Utility Assistance - please read the qualifications carefully before applying!

The Salvation Army Utility Assistance Program assists with R.E.A.C.H. (Dominion Energy), LEND A HAND (Rocky Mountain Power), and Project Water ASSIST (Salt Lake Corporation Water).  These programs exist to assist the low-income, elderly, disabled, veterans, and families either catch up on past due bills, avoid shut off, or get utilities set up in a new residence.  Households qualify for each type of assistance only once in a 12-month period.


Documentation Needed: 

  • Photo ID for all household members over 18.
  • Birth Certificates/Medicaid cards, or immunization records for all children under the age of 18.
  • Proof of Income: Social Security Award letter (current year), or a bank statement showing the most recent deposit, or paycheck stubs for the last 30 days for all income earners in the household.
  • HEAT approval/denial notice (if applying for Rocky Mountain Power help)
  • Most recent copies of the utility bill(s) for which you are needing assistance.

To qualify for this program, the household must be below 150% of the 2024 Federal Poverty Line for gross monthly income.  See below.

monthly limits

Size of Household

Income no greater than...

Size of Household

Income no greater than...

























The following requirements are specific to each Utility Company:

Enbridge Gas (formerly Dominion Energy) (updated Oct 2024)

  • All applicants must apply to the HEAT program first. We must to show proof of your FY25 approval from HEAT. We will only be able to assist clients who are approved through HEAT and meet the criteria below:
    • The household must be below 150% of the federal poverty level for gross monthly income AND must include either
      • a household member who is disabled
      • a household member who is a veteran
      • a household member aged 60 or above
      • a household member age 5 or below.

Click here to find your local HEAT office.


Rocky Mountain Power (updated Oct 2024)

  • All applicants must apply to the HEAT program first. We will ask you to show proof of your FY25 application to HEAT. We may still be able to serve clients declined by HEAT, depending on the circumstances if they meet the criteria below.  (If your account receives a shutoff notice while you are waiting for HEAT's decision, please contact us).
  • The household must be below 150% of the federal poverty level for gross monthly income AND must include either
    • a household member who is disabled
    • a household member who is a veteran
    • a household member aged 60 or above
    • a household member age 17 or below.
  • Note - We are no longer able to offer a credit to Rocky Mountain Power bills, we can only pay toward the amount owing 

Click here to find your local HEAT office.



Salt Lake City Water Corporation: Must have an active shut-off notice and be below 150% of the Poverty Guidelines

Priority will be given to those with:

  • Someone in the household over the age of 60.
  • Veterans and Active-Duty Military families.
  • Someone in the household receiving SSI/SSDI.


You can fill out the application below at the Apply button to get started. If you have queries you can call 1-801-969-0526 leave a message stating your name, and a number where we will be able to reach you, which bill you are needing help with and how you qualify. 

Seasonal Assistance
During certain times of the year there is assistance available to meet a specific seasonally-based need. Seasonal assistance can consist of help with school supplies for the beginning of the school year, Winter Coat giveaway, a community Thanksgiving and Christmas food boxes, and toys for children in need at Christmas. Please call our general number, 801-988-4204 to ask about these programs.

To review the USDA/TEFAP Nondiscrimination Statement in English or Spanish please click here


  • Download Application and EITHER
    • Fill out digitally, resave and attach to email (
    • Print, complete by hand and scan it as a pdf to attach to email (
    • Print, complete by hand and bring to us in-person
  • Make sure you submit ALL the requested documentation by attaching files to your email OR bring documents to us in-person (438 S 900 W - see our hours, above).


Click for Application Form

Guía para Aplicar por Asistencia

  • Descarga la aplicación y elige:
    • Complete el archivo digitalmente, vuelva a guardarlo y adjúntelo al correo electrónico (
    • Imprima, complete a mano, escanee como pdf y adjunte al correo electrónico (
    • Imprime, completa a mano y tráenoslo en persona.
  • Asegúrese de enviar TODA la documentación solicitada adjuntando archivos a su correo electrónico O tráiganos los documentos en persona (438 S 900 W; consulte nuestro cronograma arriba).

Other Ways We Meet Needs